Amazon Personalize endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference

Amazon Personalize endpoints and quotas

The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service. To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. In addition to the standard AWS endpoints, some AWS services offer FIPS endpoints in selected Regions. For more information, see AWS service endpoints. Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.

Service endpoints

Amazon Personalize

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
China (Beijing) cn-north-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS

Amazon Personalize Events

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
China (Beijing) cn-north-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS

Amazon Personalize Runtime

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
China (Beijing) cn-north-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS

Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
Active campaigns per dataset group Each supported Region: 5 Yes The total number of active campaigns per dataset group in the current Region.
Active dataset groups Each supported Region: 5 Yes The total number of active dataset groups that you can create in this account in the current Region.
Active filters per dataset group Each supported Region: 10 Yes The total number of active filters per dataset group in the current Region.
Active solutions per dataset group Each supported Region: 20 Yes The total number of active solutions per dataset group in the current Region.
Amount of data for HRNN recipe Each supported Region: 100 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for an individual dataset for HRNN recipe
Amount of data for Personalized-Ranking recipe Each supported Region: 100 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for an individual dataset for Personalized-Ranking recipe
Amount of data for Popularity-Count recipe Each supported Region: 100 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for an individual dataset for Popularity-Count recipe
Amount of data for SIMS recipe Each supported Region: 100 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for an individual dataset for SIMS recipe
Amount of data per incremental import. Each supported Region: 1 Gigabytes Yes The maximum amount of data (in GB) you can import with a single incremental import in this account in the current Region.
Amount of interactions data for HRNN-coldstart recipe Each supported Region: 100 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for interactions dataset for HRNN-coldstart recipe
Amount of interactions data for HRNN-metadata recipe Each supported Region: 100 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for interactions dataset for HRNN-metadata recipe
Amount of users and items data combined for HRNN-coldstart recipe Each supported Region: 5 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for users dataset and items dataset combined for HRNN-coldstart recipe
Amount of users and items data combined for HRNN-metadata recipe Each supported Region: 5 Gigabytes No The maximum amount of data for users dataset and items dataset combined for HRNN-metadata recipe
Event size Each supported Region: 10 Kilobytes No The maximum size of an event in kilobytes.
Maximum number of action interactions per event type per user considered by a filter. Each supported Region: 300 Yes The maximum number of action interactions per event type per user Amazon Personalize considers when filtering recommendations. This quota applies to each get action recommendations request in this account in the current region.
Maximum number of interactions per event type per user considered by a filter. Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of interactions per event type per user Amazon Personalize considers when filtering recommendations. This quota applies to each get recommendations request in this account in the current Region.
Maximum number of recommenders per dataset group Each supported Region: 5 No The total number of recommenders per dataset group in the current Region.
Minimum data points for model training Each supported Region: 1,000 No The minimum number of data points required for training a model (creating a solution)
Minimum unique users for model training Each supported Region: 25 No The minimum number of unique users required for training a model (creating a solution).
Number of action interaction events in a PutActionInteractions call Each supported Region: 10 No Maximum number of action interaction events in a PutActionInteractions call.
Number of action interactions for model training Each supported Region: 500,000,000 No Maximum number of action interactions that are considered by a model during training.
Number of actions used in model training Each supported Region: 1,000 No Maximum number of actions that are considered by a model during training and generating recommendations.
Number of events in PutEvents call Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum number of events in a PutEvents call.
Number of interactions for model training Each supported Region: 500,000,000 Yes The maximum number of interactions that are considered by a model during training.
Number of items used in model training Each supported Region: 750,000 No The maximum number of items that are considered by a model during training.
Number of schemas Each supported Region: 500 No The total number of active schemas that you can create in this account in the current Region.
Pending data deletion jobs per dataset group Each supported Region: 5 Yes The total number of pending data deletion jobs that you can create per dataset group in the current Region.
Pending or In Progress batch inference jobs Each supported Region: 5 Yes The total number of pending or in progress batch inference jobs that you can create in this account in the current Region.
Pending or In Progress solution versions Each supported Region: 20 Yes The total number of pending or in progress solution versions that you can create in this account in the current Region.
PutActionInteractions Event size Each supported Region: 10 Kilobytes No The maximum size of a PutActionInteractions event in kilobytes.
Rate of CreateCampaign requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateCampaign requests that you can make per second.
Rate of CreateDataset requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateDataset requests that you can make per second.
Rate of CreateDatasetGroup requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateDatasetGroup requests that you can make per second
Rate of CreateDatasetImportJob requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateDatasetImportJob requests that you can make per second.
Rate of CreateEventTracker requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateEventTracker requests that you can make per second.
Rate of CreateSchema requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateSchema requests that you can make per second.
Rate of CreateSolution requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateSolution requests that you can make per second.
Rate of CreateSolutionVersion requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of CreateSolutionVersion requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DeleteCampaign requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteCampaign requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DeleteDataset requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteDataset requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DeleteDatasetGroup requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteDatasetGroup requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DeleteDatasetImportJob requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteDatasetImportJob requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DeleteEventTracker requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteEventTracker requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DeleteSchema requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteSchema requests that you can make per second
Rate of DeleteSolution requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DeleteSolution requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeAlgorithm requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeAlgorithm requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeCampaign requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeCampaign requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeDataset requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeDataset requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeDatasetGroup requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeDatasetGroup requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeDatasetImportJob requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeDatasetImportJob requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeEventTracker requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeEventTracker requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeFeatureTransformation requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeFeatureTransformation requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeRecipe requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeRecipe requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeSchema requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeSchema requests that you can make per second.
Rate of DescribeSolution requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of DescribeSolution requests that you can make per second.
Rate of GetActionRecommendations requests per campaign Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of GetActionRecommendations requests that you can make per second per campaign.
Rate of GetPersonalizedRanking requests per campaign Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of GetPersonalizedRanking requests that you can make per second per campaign.
Rate of GetRecommendations requests per campaign Each supported Region: 500 No The maximum number of GetRecommendations requests that you can make per second per campaign.
Rate of GetSolutionMetrics requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of GetSolutionMetrics requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListCampaigns requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListCampaigns requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListDatasetGroups requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListDatasetGroups requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListDatasetImportJobRuns requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListDatasetImportJobRuns requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListDatasetImportJobs requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListDatasetImportJobs requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListDatasets requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListDatasets requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListEventTrackers requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListEventTrackers requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListRecipes requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListRecipes requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListSchemas requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListSchemas requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListSolutionVersions requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListSolutionVersions requests that you can make per second.
Rate of ListSolutions requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of ListSolutions requests that you can make per second.
Rate of PutActionInteractions requests per dataset group Each supported Region: 1,000 Yes The maximum number of PutActionInteractions requests that you can make per second per dataset group from this account in the current region.
Rate of PutEvents requests per dataset group Each supported Region: 1,000 Yes The maximum number of PutEvents requests that you can make per second per dataset group from this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateCampaign requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of UpdateCampaign requests that you can make per second.
Rate of UpdateDataset requests Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of UpdateDataset requests that you can make per second.
Rate of transactions per account Each supported Region: 2,500 No The maximum transactions per second per account. Transaction is a single recommendation request.