Backing up and restoring a CDB - Amazon Relational Database Service

Backing up and restoring a CDB

You can back up and restore your CDB using either RDS DB snapshots or Recovery Manager (RMAN).

Backing up and restoring a CDB using DB snapshots

DB snapshots work similarly in the CDB and non-CDB architectures. The principal differences are as follows:

  • When you restore a DB snapshot of a CDB, you can't rename the CDB. The CDB is named RDSCDB and can't be changed.

  • When you restore a DB snapshot of a CDB, you can't rename PDBs. You can modify the PDB name by using the modify-tenant-database command.

  • To find tenant databases in a snapshot, use the CLI command describe-db-snapshot-tenant-databases.

  • You can't directly interact with the tenant databases in a CDB snapshot that uses the multi-tenant architecture configuration. If you restore the DB snapshot, you restore all its tenant databases.

  • RDS for Oracle implicitly copies tags on a tenant database to the tenant database in a DB snapshot. When you restore a tenant database, the tags appear in the restored database.

  • If you restore a DB snapshot and specify new tags using the --tags parameter, the new tags overwrite all existing tags.

  • If you take a DB snapshot of a CDB instance that has tags, and you specify --copy-tags-to-snapshot, RDS for Oracle copies tags from the tenant databases to the tenant databases in the snapshot.

For more information, see Oracle Database considerations.

Backing up and restoring a CDB using RMAN

To learn how to back up and restore a CDB or individual tenant database using RMAN, see Performing common RMAN tasks for Oracle DB instances.