Working with the PostgreSQL autovacuum on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL - Amazon Relational Database Service

Working with the PostgreSQL autovacuum on Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

We strongly recommend that you use the autovacuum feature to maintain the health of your PostgreSQL DB instance. Autovacuum automates the start of the VACUUM and the ANALYZE commands. It checks for tables with a large number of inserted, updated, or deleted tuples. After this check, it reclaims storage by removing obsolete data or tuples from the PostgreSQL database.

By default, autovacuum is turned on for the Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL DB instances that you create using any of the default PostgreSQL DB parameter groups. These include default.postgres10, default.postgres11, and so on. All default PostgreSQL DB parameter groups have an rds.adaptive_autovacuum parameter that's set to 1, thus activating the feature. Other configuration parameters associated with the autovacuum feature are also set by default. Because these defaults are somewhat generic, you can benefit from tuning some of the parameters associated with the autovacuum feature for your specific workload.

Following, you can find more information about the autovacuum and how to tune some of its parameters on your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance. For high-level information, see Best practices for working with PostgreSQL.

Allocating memory for autovacuum

One of the most important parameters influencing autovacuum performance is the maintenance_work_mem parameter. This parameter determines how much memory that you allocate for autovacuum to use to scan a database table and to hold all the row IDs that are going to be vacuumed. If you set the value of the maintenance_work_mem parameter too low, the vacuum process might have to scan the table multiple times to complete its work. Such multiple scans can have a negative impact on performance.

When doing calculations to determine the maintenance_work_mem parameter value, keep in mind two things:

  • The default unit is kilobytes (KB) for this parameter.

  • The maintenance_work_mem parameter works in conjunction with the autovacuum_max_workers parameter. If you have many small tables, allocate more autovacuum_max_workers and less maintenance_work_mem. If you have large tables (say, larger than 100 GB), allocate more memory and fewer worker processes. You need to have enough memory allocated to succeed on your biggest table. Each autovacuum_max_workers can use the memory that you allocate. Thus, make sure that the combination of worker processes and memory equal the total memory that you want to allocate.

In general terms, for large hosts set the maintenance_work_mem parameter to a value between one and two gigabytes (between 1,048,576 and 2,097,152 KB). For extremely large hosts, set the parameter to a value between two and four gigabytes (between 2,097,152 and 4,194,304 KB). The value that you set for this parameter depends on the workload. Amazon RDS has updated its default for this parameter to be kilobytes calculated as follows.


Reducing the likelihood of transaction ID wraparound

In some cases, parameter group settings related to autovacuum might not be aggressive enough to prevent transaction ID wraparound. To address this, RDS for PostgreSQL provides a mechanism that adapts the autovacuum parameter values automatically. Adaptive autovacuum parameter tuning is a feature for RDS for PostgreSQL. A detailed explanation of TransactionID wraparound is found in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Adaptive autovacuum parameter tuning is turned on by default for RDS for PostgreSQL instances with the dynamic parameter rds.adaptive_autovacuum set to ON. We strongly recommend that you keep this turned on. However, to turn off adaptive autovacuum parameter tuning, set the rds.adaptive_autovacuum parameter to 0 or OFF.

Transaction ID wraparound is still possible even when Amazon RDS tunes the autovacuum parameters. We encourage you to implement an Amazon CloudWatch alarm for transaction ID wraparound. For more information, see the post Implement an early warning system for transaction ID wraparound in RDS for PostgreSQL on the AWS Database Blog.

With adaptive autovacuum parameter tuning turned on, Amazon RDS begins adjusting autovacuum parameters when the CloudWatch metric MaximumUsedTransactionIDs reaches the value of the autovacuum_freeze_max_age parameter or 500,000,000, whichever is greater.

Amazon RDS continues to adjust parameters for autovacuum if a table continues to trend toward transaction ID wraparound. Each of these adjustments dedicates more resources to autovacuum to avoid wraparound. Amazon RDS updates the following autovacuum-related parameters:

RDS modifies these parameters only if the new value makes autovacuum more aggressive. The parameters are modified in memory on the DB instance. The values in the parameter group aren't changed. To view the current in-memory settings, use the PostgreSQL SHOW SQL command.

When Amazon RDS modifies any of these autovacuum parameters, it generates an event for the affected DB instance. This event is visible on the AWS Management Console and through the Amazon RDS API. After the MaximumUsedTransactionIDs CloudWatch metric returns below the threshold, Amazon RDS resets the autovacuum-related parameters in memory back to the values specified in the parameter group. It then generates another event corresponding to this change.

Determining if the tables in your database need vacuuming

You can use the following query to show the number of unvacuumed transactions in a database. The datfrozenxid column of a database's pg_database row is a lower bound on the normal transaction IDs appearing in that database. This column is the minimum of the per-table relfrozenxid values within the database.

SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database ORDER BY age(datfrozenxid) desc limit 20;

For example, the results of running the preceding query might be the following.

datname | age mydb | 1771757888 template0 | 1721757888 template1 | 1721757888 rdsadmin | 1694008527 postgres | 1693881061 (5 rows)

When the age of a database reaches 2 billion transaction IDs, transaction ID (XID) wraparound occurs and the database becomes read-only. You can use this query to produce a metric and run a few times a day. By default, autovacuum is set to keep the age of transactions to no more than 200,000,000 (autovacuum_freeze_max_age).

A sample monitoring strategy might look like this:

  • Set the autovacuum_freeze_max_age value to 200 million transactions.

  • If a table reaches 500 million unvacuumed transactions, that triggers a low-severity alarm. This isn't an unreasonable value, but it can indicate that autovacuum isn't keeping up.

  • If a table ages to 1 billion, this should be treated as an alarm to take action on. In general, you want to keep ages closer to autovacuum_freeze_max_age for performance reasons. We recommend that you investigate using the recommendations that follow.

  • If a table reaches 1.5 billion unvacuumed transactions, that triggers a high-severity alarm. Depending on how quickly your database uses transaction IDs, this alarm can indicate that the system is running out of time to run autovacuum. In this case, we recommend that you resolve this immediately.

If a table is constantly breaching these thresholds, modify your autovacuum parameters further. By default, using VACUUM manually (which has cost-based delays disabled) is more aggressive than using the default autovacuum, but it is also more intrusive to the system as a whole.

We recommend the following:

Determining which tables are currently eligible for autovacuum

Often, it is one or two tables in need of vacuuming. Tables whose relfrozenxid value is greater than the number of transactions in autovacuum_freeze_max_age are always targeted by autovacuum. Otherwise, if the number of tuples made obsolete since the last VACUUM exceeds the vacuum threshold, the table is vacuumed.

The autovacuum threshold is defined as:

Vacuum-threshold = vacuum-base-threshold + vacuum-scale-factor * number-of-tuples

where the vacuum base threshold is autovacuum_vacuum_threshold, the vacuum scale factor is autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor, and the number of tuples is pg_class.reltuples.

While you are connected to your database, run the following query to see a list of tables that autovacuum sees as eligible for vacuuming.

WITH vbt AS (SELECT setting AS autovacuum_vacuum_threshold FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'), vsf AS (SELECT setting AS autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'), fma AS (SELECT setting AS autovacuum_freeze_max_age FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age'), sto AS (select opt_oid, split_part(setting, '=', 1) as param, split_part(setting, '=', 2) as value from (select oid opt_oid, unnest(reloptions) setting from pg_class) opt) SELECT '"'||ns.nspname||'"."'||c.relname||'"' as relation, pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size(c.oid)) as table_size, age(relfrozenxid) as xid_age, coalesce(cfma.value::float, autovacuum_freeze_max_age::float) autovacuum_freeze_max_age, (coalesce(cvbt.value::float, autovacuum_vacuum_threshold::float) + coalesce(cvsf.value::float,autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor::float) * c.reltuples) AS autovacuum_vacuum_tuples, n_dead_tup as dead_tuples FROM pg_class c join pg_namespace ns on ns.oid = c.relnamespace join pg_stat_all_tables stat on stat.relid = c.oid join vbt on (1=1) join vsf on (1=1) join fma on (1=1) left join sto cvbt on cvbt.param = 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold' and c.oid = cvbt.opt_oid left join sto cvsf on cvsf.param = 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor' and c.oid = cvsf.opt_oid left join sto cfma on cfma.param = 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age' and c.oid = cfma.opt_oid WHERE c.relkind = 'r' and nspname <> 'pg_catalog' AND (age(relfrozenxid) >= coalesce(cfma.value::float, autovacuum_freeze_max_age::float) OR coalesce(cvbt.value::float, autovacuum_vacuum_threshold::float) + coalesce(cvsf.value::float,autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor::float) * c.reltuples <= n_dead_tup) ORDER BY age(relfrozenxid) DESC LIMIT 50;

Determining if autovacuum is currently running and for how long

If you need to manually vacuum a table, make sure to determine if autovacuum is currently running. If it is, you might need to adjust parameters to make it run more efficiently, or turn off autovacuum temporarily so that you can manually run VACUUM.

Use the following query to determine if autovacuum is running, how long it has been running, and if it is waiting on another session.

SELECT datname, usename, pid, state, wait_event, current_timestamp - xact_start AS xact_runtime, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE upper(query) LIKE '%VACUUM%' ORDER BY xact_start;

After running the query, you should see output similar to the following.

datname | usename | pid | state | wait_event | xact_runtime | query --------+----------+-------+--------+------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mydb | rdsadmin | 16473 | active | | 33 days 16:32:11.600656 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.mytable1 (to prevent wraparound) mydb | rdsadmin | 22553 | active | | 14 days 09:15:34.073141 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.mytable2 (to prevent wraparound) mydb | rdsadmin | 41909 | active | | 3 days 02:43:54.203349 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.mytable3 mydb | rdsadmin | 618 | active | | 00:00:00 | SELECT datname, usename, pid, state, wait_event, current_timestamp - xact_start AS xact_runtime, query+ | | | | | | FROM pg_stat_activity + | | | | | | WHERE query like '%VACUUM%' + | | | | | | ORDER BY xact_start; +

Several issues can cause a long-running autovacuum session (that is, multiple days long). The most common issue is that your maintenance_work_mem parameter value is set too low for the size of the table or rate of updates.

We recommend that you use the following formula to set the maintenance_work_mem parameter value.


Short running autovacuum sessions can also indicate problems:

  • It can indicate that there aren't enough autovacuum_max_workers for your workload. In this case, you need to indicate the number of workers.

  • It can indicate that there is an index corruption (autovacuum crashes and restarts on the same relation but makes no progress). In this case, run a manual vacuum freeze verbose table to see the exact cause.

Performing a manual vacuum freeze

You might want to perform a manual vacuum on a table that has a vacuum process already running. This is useful if you have identified a table with an age approaching 2 billion transactions (or above any threshold you are monitoring).

The following steps are guidelines, with several variations to the process. For example, during testing, suppose that you find that the maintenance_work_mem parameter value is set too small and that you need to take immediate action on a table. However, perhaps you don't want to bounce the instance at the moment. Using the queries in previous sections, you determine which table is the problem and notice a long running autovacuum session. You know that you need to change the maintenance_work_mem parameter setting, but you also need to take immediate action and vacuum the table in question. The following procedure shows what to do in this situation.

To manually perform a vacuum freeze
  1. Open two sessions to the database containing the table you want to vacuum. For the second session, use "screen" or another utility that maintains the session if your connection is dropped.

  2. In session one, get the process ID (PID) of the autovacuum session running on the table.

    Run the following query to get the PID of the autovacuum session.

    SELECT datname, usename, pid, current_timestamp - xact_start AS xact_runtime, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE upper(query) LIKE '%VACUUM%' ORDER BY xact_start;
  3. In session two, calculate the amount of memory that you need for this operation. In this example, we determine that we can afford to use up to 2 GB of memory for this operation, so we set maintenance_work_mem for the current session to 2 GB.

    SET maintenance_work_mem='2 GB'; SET
  4. In session two, issue a vacuum freeze verbose command for the table. The verbose setting is useful because, although there is no progress report for this in PostgreSQL currently, you can see activity.

    \timing on Timing is on. vacuum freeze verbose pgbench_branches;
    INFO: vacuuming "public.pgbench_branches" INFO: index "pgbench_branches_pkey" now contains 50 row versions in 2 pages DETAIL: 0 index row versions were removed. 0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec. INFO: index "pgbench_branches_test_index" now contains 50 row versions in 2 pages DETAIL: 0 index row versions were removed. 0 index pages have been deleted, 0 are currently reusable. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec. INFO: "pgbench_branches": found 0 removable, 50 nonremovable row versions in 43 out of 43 pages DETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet. There were 9347 unused item pointers. 0 pages are entirely empty. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec. VACUUM Time: 2.765 ms
  5. In session one, if autovacuum was blocking the vacuum session, you see in pg_stat_activity that waiting is "T" for your vacuum session. In this case, you need to end the autovacuum process as follows.

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend('the_pid');

    At this point, your session begins. It's important to note that autovacuum restarts immediately because this table is probably the highest on its list of work.

  6. Initiate your vacuum freeze verbose command in session two, and then end the autovacuum process in session one.

Reindexing a table when autovacuum is running

If an index has become corrupt, autovacuum continues to process the table and fails. If you attempt a manual vacuum in this situation, you receive an error message like the following.

postgres=> vacuum freeze pgbench_branches; ERROR: index "pgbench_branches_test_index" contains unexpected zero page at block 30521 HINT: Please REINDEX it.

When the index is corrupted and autovacuum is attempting to run on the table, you contend with an already running autovacuum session. When you issue a REINDEX command, you take out an exclusive lock on the table. Write operations are blocked, and also read operations that use that specific index.

To reindex a table when autovacuum is running on the table
  1. Open two sessions to the database containing the table that you want to vacuum. For the second session, use "screen" or another utility that maintains the session if your connection is dropped.

  2. In session one, get the PID of the autovacuum session running on the table.

    Run the following query to get the PID of the autovacuum session.

    SELECT datname, usename, pid, current_timestamp - xact_start AS xact_runtime, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE upper(query) like '%VACUUM%' ORDER BY xact_start;
  3. In session two, issue the reindex command.

    \timing on Timing is on. reindex index pgbench_branches_test_index; REINDEX Time: 9.966 ms
  4. In session one, if autovacuum was blocking the process, you see in pg_stat_activity that waiting is "T" for your vacuum session. In this case, you end the autovacuum process.

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend('the_pid');

    At this point, your session begins. It's important to note that autovacuum restarts immediately because this table is probably the highest on its list of work.

  5. Initiate your command in session two, and then end the autovacuum process in session 1.

Managing autovacuum with large indexes

As part of its operation, autovacuum performs several vacuum phases while running on a table. Before the table is cleaned up, all of its indexes are first vacuumed. When removing multiple large indexes, this phase consumes a significant amount of time and resources. Therefore, as a best practice, be sure to control the number of indexes on a table and eliminate unused indexes.

For this process, first check the overall index size. Then, determine if there are potentially unused indexes that can be removed as shown in the following examples.

To check the size of the table and its indexes

postgres=> select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('pgbench_accounts')); pg_size_pretty 6404 MB (1 row)
postgres=> select pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size('pgbench_accounts')); pg_size_pretty 11 GB (1 row)

In this example, the size of indexes is larger than the table. This difference can cause performance issues as the indexes are bloated or unused, which impacts the autovacuum as well as insert operations.

To check for unused indexes

Using the pg_stat_user_indexes view, you can check how frequently an index is used with the idx_scan column. In the following example, the unused indexes have the idx_scan value of 0.

postgres=> select * from pg_stat_user_indexes where relname = 'pgbench_accounts' order by idx_scan desc; relid | indexrelid | schemaname | relname | indexrelname | idx_scan | idx_tup_read | idx_tup_fetch -------+------------+------------+------------------+-----------------------+----------+--------------+--------------- 16433 | 16454 | public | pgbench_accounts | index_f | 6 | 6 | 0 16433 | 16450 | public | pgbench_accounts | index_b | 3 | 199999 | 0 16433 | 16447 | public | pgbench_accounts | pgbench_accounts_pkey | 0 | 0 | 0 16433 | 16452 | public | pgbench_accounts | index_d | 0 | 0 | 0 16433 | 16453 | public | pgbench_accounts | index_e | 0 | 0 | 0 16433 | 16451 | public | pgbench_accounts | index_c | 0 | 0 | 0 16433 | 16449 | public | pgbench_accounts | index_a | 0 | 0 | 0 (7 rows)
postgres=> select schemaname, relname, indexrelname, idx_scan from pg_stat_user_indexes where relname = 'pgbench_accounts' order by idx_scan desc; schemaname | relname | indexrelname | idx_scan ------------+------------------+-----------------------+---------- public | pgbench_accounts | index_f | 6 public | pgbench_accounts | index_b | 3 public | pgbench_accounts | pgbench_accounts_pkey | 0 public | pgbench_accounts | index_d | 0 public | pgbench_accounts | index_e | 0 public | pgbench_accounts | index_c | 0 public | pgbench_accounts | index_a | 0 (7 rows)

These statistics are incremental from the time that the statistics are reset. Suppose you have an index that is only used at the end of a business quarter or just for a specific report. It's possible that this index hasn't been used since the statistics were reset. For more information, see Statistics Functions. Indexes that are used to enforce uniqueness won't have scans performed and shouldn't be identified as unused indexes. To identify the unused indexes, you should have in-depth knowledge of the application and its queries.

To check when the stats were last reset for a database, use pg_stat_database

postgres=> select datname, stats_reset from pg_stat_database where datname = 'postgres'; datname | stats_reset ----------+------------------------------- postgres | 2022-11-17 08:58:11.427224+00 (1 row)

Vacuuming a table as quickly as possible

RDS for PostgreSQL 12 and higher

If you have too many indexes in a large table, your DB instance could be nearing transaction ID wraparound (XID), which is when the XID counter wraps around to zero. Left unchecked, this situation could result in data loss. However, you can quickly vacuum the table without cleaning up the indexes. In RDS for PostgreSQL 12 and higher, you can use VACUUM with the INDEX_CLEANUP clause.

postgres=> VACUUM (INDEX_CLEANUP FALSE, VERBOSE TRUE) pgbench_accounts; INFO: vacuuming "public.pgbench_accounts" INFO: table "pgbench_accounts": found 0 removable, 8 nonremovable row versions in 1 out of 819673 pages DETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 7517 Skipped 0 pages due to buffer pins, 0 frozen pages. CPU: user: 0.01 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.01 s.

If an autovacuum session is already running, you must terminate it to begin the manual VACUUM. For information on performing a manual vacuum freeze, see Performing a manual vacuum freeze


Skipping index cleanup regularly might cause index bloat, which impacts the overall scan performance. As a best practice, use the preceding procedure only to prevent transaction ID wraparound.

RDS for PostgreSQL 11 and older

However, in RDS for PostgreSQL 11 and lower versions, the only way to allow vacuum to complete faster is to reduce the number of indexes on a table. Dropping an index can affect query plans. We recommend that you drop unused indexes first, then drop the indexes when XID wraparound is very near. After the vacuum process completes, you can recreate these indexes.

Other parameters that affect autovacuum

The following query shows the values of some of the parameters that directly affect autovacuum and its behavior. The autovacuum parameters are described fully in the PostgreSQL documentation.

SELECT name, setting, unit, short_desc FROM pg_settings WHERE name IN ( 'autovacuum_max_workers', 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor', 'autovacuum_naptime', 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold', 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor', 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold', 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor', 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold', 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay', 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit', 'vacuum_cost_limit', 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age', 'maintenance_work_mem', 'vacuum_freeze_min_age');

While these all affect autovacuum, some of the most important ones are:

Setting table-level autovacuum parameters

You can set autovacuum-related storage parameters at a table level, which can be better than altering the behavior of the entire database. For large tables, you might need to set aggressive settings and you might not want to make autovacuum behave that way for all tables.

The following query shows which tables currently have table-level options in place.

SELECT relname, reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE reloptions IS NOT null;

An example where this might be useful is on tables that are much larger than the rest of your tables. Suppose that you have one 300-GB table and 30 other tables less than 1 GB. In this case, you might set some specific parameters for your large table so you don't alter the behavior of your entire system.

ALTER TABLE mytable set (autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=0);

Doing this turns off the cost-based autovacuum delay for this table at the expense of more resource usage on your system. Normally, autovacuum pauses for autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay each time autovacuum_cost_limit is reached. For more details, see the PostgreSQL documentation about cost-based vacuuming.

Logging autovacuum and vacuum activities

Information about autovacuum activities is sent to the postgresql.log based on the level specified in the rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level parameter. Following are the values allowed for this parameter and the PostgreSQL versions for which that value is the default setting:

  • disabled (PostgreSQL 10, PostgreSQL 9.6)

  • debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1

  • info (PostgreSQL 12, PostgreSQL 11)

  • notice

  • warning (PostgreSQL 13 and above)

  • error, log, fatal, panic

The rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level works with the log_autovacuum_min_duration parameter. The log_autovacuum_min_duration parameter's value is the threshold (in milliseconds) above which autovacuum actions get logged. A setting of -1 logs nothing, while a setting of 0 logs all actions. As with rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level, default values for log_autovacuum_min_duration are version dependent, as follows:

  • 10000 ms – PostgreSQL 14, PostgreSQL 13, PostgreSQL 12, and PostgreSQL 11

  • (empty) – No default value for PostgreSQL 10 and PostgreSQL 9.6

We recommend that you set rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level to WARNING. We also recommend that you set log_autovacuum_min_duration to a value from 1000 to 5000. A setting of 5000 logs activity that takes longer than 5,000 milliseconds. Any setting other than -1 also logs messages if the autovacuum action is skipped because of a conflicting lock or concurrently dropped relations. For more information, see Automatic Vacuuming in the PostgreSQL documentation.

To troubleshoot issues, you can change the rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level parameter to one of the debug levels, from debug1 up to debug5 for the most verbose information. We recommend that you use debug settings for short periods of time and for troubleshooting purposes only. To learn more, see When to log in the PostgreSQL documentation.


PostgreSQL allows the rds_superuser account to view autovacuum sessions in pg_stat_activity. For example, you can identify and end an autovacuum session that is blocking a command from running, or running slower than a manually issued vacuum command.