Getting started with a basic CloudFront distribution - Amazon CloudFront

Getting started with a basic CloudFront distribution

The procedures in this section show you how to use CloudFront to set up a basic configuration that does the following:

  • Creates a bucket to use as your distribution origin.

  • Stores the original versions of your objects in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

  • Uses origin access control (OAC) to send authenticated requests to your Amazon S3 origin. OAC sends requests through CloudFront to prevent viewers from accessing your S3 bucket directly. For more information about OAC, see Restricting access to an Amazon Simple Storage Service origin.

  • Uses the CloudFront domain name in URLs for your objects (for example,

  • Keeps your objects in CloudFront edge locations for the default duration of 24 hours (the minimum duration is 0 seconds).

Most of these options are customizable. For information about how to customize your CloudFront distribution options, see Create, update, and delete distributions.


Before you begin, make sure that you’ve completed the steps in Setting up.