Get Started with Amazon Mechanical Turk - Amazon Mechanical Turk

Get Started with Amazon Mechanical Turk

Use the hands-on tutorials in this section to help you get started and learn more about Amazon Mechanical Turk.


Before you begin, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts in Amazon Mechanical Turk. For more information, see The Amazon Mechanical Turk marketplace and Amazon Mechanical Turk core concepts.

Additional, complete the steps in Set up Amazon Mechanical Turk before completing this tutorial.

Step 1: Create a task

In this step we create a task in Mechanical Turk that asks workers to describe the current weather where they live. The task interface for this will be created using the HTMLQuestion data structure and we'll make use of Crowd HTML Elements to simplify the task HTML.


Completing the steps in this tutorial results in a charge of $0.60 to your account.

Question definition

The most common way to define tasks in Mechanical Turkis using the HTMLQuestion data structure, which is defined as XML that encapsulates the HTML that is displayed to the worker. For this task, we use the following definition.

<HTMLQuestion xmlns=""> <HTMLContent><![CDATA[ <!DOCTYPE html> <script src=""></script> <crowd-form> <p>Describe the current weather where you live.</p> <p><textarea name="weather" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p> </crowd-form> ]]> </HTMLContent> <FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight> </HTMLQuestion>

Note that the HTML includes a reference to the crowd-html-elements.js library which includes the crowd-form element. We use the crowd-form element in place of the standard form element because it removes the need to specify the endpoint for the form to submit results. It also automatically appends a Submit button if one isn't present. More information about this library can be found in Crowd HTML Elements.

We've also set the value of FrameHeight to zero, which directs the marketplace website to render the task interface using the full browser window.

Task attributes

Next, we can define the attributes for our task. We'll use the following attributes:

Attribute Value
Title Describe the weather
Description Describe the current weather where you live
Reward 0.1
MaxAssignments 5
LifetimeInSeconds 14,400
AssignmentDurationInSeconds 300
AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds 259,200

Here, we give an accurate description of our task and indicate that we will reward each worker with 10 cents for each successful completion. In addition, we set the MaxAssignments to 5 to indicate that we would like to get five responses from different workers. Finally, we set the lifetime and assignment duration to four hours and five minutes respectively. Workers have five minutes to complete the assignment before it expires and becomes available to other workers. If, after four hours, we haven't yet gotten a response, the task is automatically removed from the Mechanical Turk marketplace. We've also set the AutoApprovalDelay at three days which means that an assignment is automatically approved after three days if we don't take any action to approve or reject it before then.

For more detail on the attributes that can be specified for a HIT, visit the CreateHIT documentation.

Post the task

You can post a task using the AWS CLI or a language-specific AWS SDK. Select a tab in the following table to see an example of how you can post a task using the AWS CLI and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).


The following AWS CLI example creates a new task using create-hit.

$ aws mturk create-hit \      --title "Describe the weather" \      --description "Describe the current weather where you live" \      --reward "0.10" \ --max-assignments 5 \      --lifetime-in-seconds 14400 \      --assignment-duration-in-seconds 300 \      --auto-approval-delay-in-seconds 259200 \      --question '<HTMLQuestion xmlns=""> <HTMLContent><![CDATA[ <!DOCTYPE html> <script src=""></script> <crowd-form> <p>Describe the current weather where you live</p> <p><textarea name="weather" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p> </crowd-form> ]]> </HTMLContent> <FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight> </HTMLQuestion>'  

Using create-hit returns the following sample result.

{     "HIT": {         "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",         "HITTypeId": "3AKE04YHPN13791QQA6BU4GMS7CHZJ",         "HITGroupId": "367GCHJ5533R84AG2MXJ0OFCCJ7M9Q",         "CreationTime": "2020-09-29T14:30:03-07:00",         "Title": "Describe the weather",         "Description": "Describe the current weather where you live",         "Question": "<HTMLQuestion xmlns=\"\">\n<HTMLContent><![CDATA[\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<script src=\"\"></script>\n<crowd-form>\n<p>Describe the current weather where you live</p>\n<p><textarea name=\"weather\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"3\"></textarea></p>\n</crowd-form>\n]]>\n</HTMLContent>\n<FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight>\n</HTMLQuestion>",         "HITStatus": "Assignable",         "MaxAssignments": 5,         "Reward": "0.10",         "AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": 259200,         "Expiration": "2020-09-29T18:30:03-07:00",         "AssignmentDurationInSeconds": 300,         "QualificationRequirements": [],         "HITReviewStatus": "NotReviewed",         "NumberOfAssignmentsPending": 0,         "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable": 5,         "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted": 0     } } 
SDK for Python (Boto3)

The following Python code creates a new task using create_hit. This code can be run within a Jupyter Notebook or IPython as is, or can be incorporated into a Python script and executed.

import boto3   mturk = boto3.client('mturk')   question = """ <HTMLQuestion xmlns=""> <HTMLContent><![CDATA[ <!DOCTYPE html> <script src=""></script> <crowd-form> <p>Describe the current weather where you live</p> <p><textarea name="weather" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p> </crowd-form> ]]> </HTMLContent> <FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight> </HTMLQuestion>"""   response = mturk.create_hit(     Title='Describe the weather',     Description='Describe the current weather where you live',     Reward='0.10',     MaxAssignments=5,     LifetimeInSeconds=14400,     AssignmentDurationInSeconds=300,     AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds=259200,     Question=question) hit_id = response['HIT']['HITId'] print('Created HIT: {}'.format(hit_id))

This creates the HIT in the marketplace and displays the following.


After creating the HIT, capture the HITId that was created and proceed to Step 2: Check task status.

Step 2: Check task status

In this step, we check the status of a task we created in Mechanical Turk. We poll the API for the status of our HIT using the HITId from the previous step. You need to capture that identifier and insert it in the following appropriate location to retrieve your results.

The code block examples in this section have been spaced out for readability.


The following AWS CLI command retrieves the current state of a HIT using get-hit.

$ aws mturk get-hit --hit-id 3QQUBC64ZDDMMJE3ZX577RS5PMNNXJ

Using get-hit immediately after creating the HIT returns the following result. The CLI returns the same information that was returned when you first created the HIT. This includes all of the attributes for the HIT and its current state. As you can see in the highlighted lines below, all five assignments are available to be requested by workers and the HITStatus is Assignable.

  {     "HIT": {         "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",         "HITTypeId": "3AKE04YHPN13791QQA6BU4GMS7CHZJ",         "HITGroupId": "367GCHJ5533R84AG2MXJ0OFCCJ7M9Q",         "CreationTime": "2020-09-29T14:30:03-07:00",         "Title": "Describe the weather",         "Description": "Describe the current weather where you live",         "Question": "<HTMLQuestion xmlns=\"\"> \n<HTMLContent><![CDATA[\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<script src=\"\"></script> \n<crowd-form>\n<p>Describe the current weather where you live</p> \n<p><textarea name=\"weather\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"3\"></textarea></p>\n</crowd-form>\n]]> \n</HTMLContent>\n<FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight>\n</HTMLQuestion>",         "HITStatus": "Assignable",         "MaxAssignments": 5,         "Reward": "0.10",         "AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": 259200,         "Expiration": "2020-09-29T18:30:03-07:00",         "AssignmentDurationInSeconds": 300,         "QualificationRequirements": [],         "HITReviewStatus": "NotReviewed",         "NumberOfAssignmentsPending": 0,         "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable": 5,         "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted": 0     } }

If you run the same get-hit command again after about five to ten minutes, the results will likely match the following example. As you can see in the highlighted sections, the HITStatus is now Reviewable and there are no longer any assignments available or pending with workers. However, the completed count is still zero because none of the work has been approved yet.

{     "HIT": {         "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",         "HITTypeId": "3AKE04YHPN13791QQA6BU4GMS7CHZJ",         "HITGroupId": "367GCHJ5533R84AG2MXJ0OFCCJ7M9Q",         "CreationTime": "2020-09-29T14:30:03-07:00",         "Title": "Describe the weather",         "Description": "Describe the current weather where you live",         "Question": "<HTMLQuestion xmlns=\"\"> \n<HTMLContent><![CDATA[\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<script src=\"\"></script> \n<crowd-form> \n<p>Describe the current weather where you live</p> \n<p><textarea name=\"weather\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"3\"></textarea></p> \n</crowd-form>\n]]> \n</HTMLContent>\n<FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight> \n</HTMLQuestion>",         "HITStatus": "Reviewable",         "MaxAssignments": 5,         "Reward": "0.10",         "AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds": 259200,         "Expiration": "2020-09-29T18:30:03-07:00",         "AssignmentDurationInSeconds": 300,         "QualificationRequirements": [],         "HITReviewStatus": "NotReviewed",         "NumberOfAssignmentsPending": 0,         "NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable": 0,         "NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted": 0     } }
Python SDK (Boto3)

The following Python code retrieves the state of a HIT using get_hit. This code can be run within a Jupyter Notebook or IPython as is, or can be incorporated into a Python script and executed.

import boto3   mturk = boto3.client('mturk')   response = mturk.get_hit(HITId='3QQUBC64ZDDMMJE3ZX577RS5PMNNXJ') response['HIT']

Using get_hit immediately after creating the HIT returns the following result. The command returns the same information that was returned when you first created the HIT. That includes all of the attributes for the HIT and its current state. As you can see in the highlighted lines below, all five assignments are available to be requested by workers and the HITStatus is Assignable.

{ 'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5', 'HITTypeId': '3AKE04YHPN13791QQA6BU4GMS7CHZJ', 'HITGroupId': '367GCHJ5533R84AG2MXJ0OFCCJ7M9Q', 'CreationTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 30, 3, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'Title': 'Describe the weather', 'Description': 'Describe the current weather where you live', 'Question': '<HTMLQuestion xmlns=""> \n<HTMLContent><![CDATA[\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<script src=""></script> \n<crowd-form>\n<p>Describe the current weather where you live</p> \n<p><textarea name="weather" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p> \n</crowd-form>\n]]>\n</HTMLContent>\n<FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight> \n</HTMLQuestion>', 'HITStatus': 'Assignable', 'MaxAssignments': 5, 'Reward': '0.10', 'AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds': 259200, 'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 18, 30, 3, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'AssignmentDurationInSeconds': 300, 'QualificationRequirements': [], 'HITReviewStatus': 'NotReviewed', 'NumberOfAssignmentsPending': 0, 'NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable': 5, 'NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted': 0 }

If you run the same get_hit command again after about five minutes, the results will likely appear as shown below. As you can see in the highlighted sections, the HITStatus is now Reviewable and there are no longer any assignments available or pending with workers. However, the completed count is still zero because none of the work has been approved yet.

{ 'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5',  'HITTypeId': '3AKE04YHPN13791QQA6BU4GMS7CHZJ',  'HITGroupId': '367GCHJ5533R84AG2MXJ0OFCCJ7M9Q',  'CreationTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 30, 3, tzinfo=tzlocal()),  'Title': 'Describe the weather',  'Description': 'Describe the current weather where you live',  'Question': '<HTMLQuestion xmlns=""> \n<HTMLContent><![CDATA[\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<script src=""></script> \n<crowd-form>\n<p>Describe the current weather where you live</p>\n<p><textarea name="weather" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p> \n</crowd-form>\n]]>\n</HTMLContent>\n<FrameHeight>0</FrameHeight> \n</HTMLQuestion>',  'HITStatus': 'Reviewable',  'MaxAssignments': 5,  'Reward': '0.10',  'AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds': 259200,  'Expiration': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 18, 30, 3, tzinfo=tzlocal()),  'AssignmentDurationInSeconds': 300,  'QualificationRequirements': [],  'HITReviewStatus': 'NotReviewed',  'NumberOfAssignmentsPending': 0,  'NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable': 0,  'NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted': 0 }

Now that we've confirmed that the HIT is in the Reviewable state, we can proceed to Step 3: Retrieve Results.

Step 3: Retrieve results

In this step, we retrieve the results of a task we created in Mechanical Turk. We use the HITId from that was generated in Step 1. You need to capture that identifier and insert it in the appropriate location below to retrieve your results. Before running the commands in this step, you should confirm the HITStatus is Reviewable as shown in Step 2, or you may get incomplete results.


The following AWS CLI command retrieves all of the submitted assignments for your HIT using list-assignments-for-hit.

$ aws mturk list-assignments-for-hit --hit-id 3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5

Using list-assignments-for-hit returns an array of results similar to those shown below. Each assignment has an AssignmentId and includes information about the Worker who submitted it, when they first accepted it, and when they submitted their answer. The answer information is captured in a QuestionFormAnswers XML data structure that you can read in to extract the results. For example, the first assignment below was submitted by the worker with WorkerId A1KYPXUBSBWJBY, it took them 25 seconds to complete it, and their answer was "Its currently raining lightly". Scrolling through the other assignments, you can see how other workers answered this question.

{     "Assignments": [         {             "AssignmentId": "3IOEN3P9S7I9CGLBJQ50ANAQJXB16B",             "WorkerId": "AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE",             "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",             "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted",             "AutoApprovalTime": "2020-10-02T14:39:42-07:00",             "AcceptTime": "2020-09-29T14:39:17-07:00",             "SubmitTime": "2020-09-29T14:39:42-07:00",             "Answer": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=\"\"><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{\"weather\":\"Its currently raining lightly\"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>"         },         {             "AssignmentId": "32AT8R96GL8U8BA6SRINMUBFCJ5USP",             "WorkerId": "DAAICKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE",             "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",             "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted",             "AutoApprovalTime": "2020-10-02T14:44:47-07:00",             "AcceptTime": "2020-09-29T14:42:45-07:00",             "SubmitTime": "2020-09-29T14:44:47-07:00",             "Answer": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=\"\"><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{\"weather\":\"It is currently chilly and cloudy outside and looks like it may rain in a little bit.\"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>"         },         {             "AssignmentId": "3FTOP5WARFNLTMF07QVP5MWL0BPJ0W",             "WorkerId": "DDAEBCKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE",             "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",             "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted",             "AutoApprovalTime": "2020-10-02T14:48:12-07:00",             "AcceptTime": "2020-09-29T14:43:28-07:00",             "SubmitTime": "2020-09-29T14:48:12-07:00",             "Answer": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=\"\"><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{\"weather\":\"Currently indianapolis weather very cool, because northwest area are most of this situation landing. In currently approximately cloud is 15 to 18'C.\"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>"         },         {             "AssignmentId": "3DI28L7YXADDPVEQP8OYMB230VZE19",             "WorkerId": "AICACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE",             "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",             "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted",             "AutoApprovalTime": "2020-10-02T14:54:52-07:00",             "AcceptTime": "2020-09-29T14:53:05-07:00",             "SubmitTime": "2020-09-29T14:54:52-07:00",             "Answer": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=\"\"><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{\"weather\":\"32\"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>"         },         {             "AssignmentId": "3LO69W1SU3COZGELODW56TWTBHJLG3",             "WorkerId": "SDLKSDEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE",             "HITId": "3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5",             "AssignmentStatus": "Submitted",             "AutoApprovalTime": "2020-10-02T14:58:14-07:00",             "AcceptTime": "2020-09-29T14:57:39-07:00",             "SubmitTime": "2020-09-29T14:58:14-07:00",             "Answer": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=\"\"><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{\"weather\":\"Hot and dry, with poor air quality.\"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>"         }     ] }  

Note that the AWS CLI supports various output formats as well as a option --query that can be used to filter your results. For example, the following only returns a list of the WorkerIds that completed the HIT.

$ aws mturk list-assignments-for-hit \ --hit-id 3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5 \ --query 'Assignments[*].WorkerId'  
SDK for Python (Boto3)

The following Python code retrieves all of the submitted assignments for your HIT using list_assignments_for_hit This code can be run within a Jupyter Notebook or IPython as is, or can be incorporated into a Python script and executed.

import boto3   mturk = boto3.client('mturk')   response = mturk.list_assignments_for_hit(HITId='3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5') response['Assignments']  

Using list_assignments_for_hit returns an array of results similar to those shown below. Each assignment has an AssignmentId and includes information about the worker who submitted it, when they first accepted it, and when they submitted their answer. The answer information is captured in a QuestionFormAnswers XML data structure that you can read in to extract the results. For example, the first assignment below was submitted by the Worker with WorkerId AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE, it took them 25 seconds to complete it, and their answer was "Its currently raining lightly". Scrolling through the other assignments, you can see how other workers answered this question.

[ {'AssignmentId': '3IOEN3P9S7I9CGLBJQ50ANAQJXB16B',   'WorkerId': 'AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE,   'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5',   'AssignmentStatus': 'Submitted',   'AutoApprovalTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 2, 14, 39, 42, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'AcceptTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 39, 17, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'SubmitTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 39, 42, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'Answer': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=""><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{"weather":"Its currently raining lightly"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>' },  {'AssignmentId': '32AT8R96GL8U8BA6SRINMUBFCJ5USP',   'WorkerId': 'DAAICKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE,   'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5',   'AssignmentStatus': 'Submitted',   'AutoApprovalTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 2, 14, 44, 47, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'AcceptTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 42, 45, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'SubmitTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 44, 47, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'Answer': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=""><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{"weather":"It is currently chilly and cloudy outside and looks like it may rain in a little bit."}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>' },  {'AssignmentId': '3FTOP5WARFNLTMF07QVP5MWL0BPJ0W',   'WorkerId': 'DDAEBCKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE,   'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5',   'AssignmentStatus': 'Submitted',   'AutoApprovalTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 2, 14, 48, 12, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'AcceptTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 43, 28, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'SubmitTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 48, 12, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'Answer': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=""><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{"weather":"Currently indianapolis weather very cool, because northwest area are most of this situation landing. In currently approximately cloud is 15 to 18\'C."}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>' },  {'AssignmentId': '3DI28L7YXADDPVEQP8OYMB230VZE19',   'WorkerId': 'AICACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE,   'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5',   'AssignmentStatus': 'Submitted',   'AutoApprovalTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 2, 14, 54, 52, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'AcceptTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 53, 5, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'SubmitTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 54, 52, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'Answer': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=""><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{"weather":"32"}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>' },  {'AssignmentId': '3LO69W1SU3COZGELODW56TWTBHJLG3',   'WorkerId': 'SDLKSDEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE,   'HITId': '3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5',   'AssignmentStatus': 'Submitted',   'AutoApprovalTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 2, 14, 58, 14, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'AcceptTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 57, 39, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'SubmitTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 29, 14, 58, 14, tzinfo=tzlocal()),   'Answer': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?><QuestionFormAnswers xmlns=""><Answer><QuestionIdentifier>taskAnswers</QuestionIdentifier><FreeText>[{"weather":"Hot and dry, with poor air quality."}]</FreeText></Answer></QuestionFormAnswers>' } ]  

This information is returned in a Python dict that can be used to access any of the relevant values for each assignment. In addition, you can use the ElementTree library as shown below to parse the Answer XML into a format that can be more easily viewed. This code works well with tasks that use the crowd-form element as we did in this in this tutorial, but may need to be modified if you use a standard form element.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import json   answers = [] namespace = {'mt': ''}   for assignment in response['Assignments']:     assignment_answer = ET.fromstring(assignment['Answer']).find('mt:Answer', namespace)     answers.append(json.loads(assignment_answer.find('mt:FreeText', namespace).text)) print(answers)

Now that we've reviewed the results of our HIT, we can proceed to Step 4: Approve Assignments.

Step 4: Approve Assignments

In this step, we approve the assignments submitted by workers so that the reward is transferred to their account. In Step 1, we set the Auto Approval Delay so that if we do nothing, workers are paid automatically after three days. However, it is always a best practice to approve work quickly if at all possible so that workers don't have to wait for the time to expire. Alternatively, if you plan to approve all of the assignments that are submitted, the Auto Approval Delay can be set to 0 and you can skip this step.

We use the same HITId that was generated in Step 1. You will need to capture that identifier and insert it in the appropriate location below to approve the results.


To approve the assignments, we need to start by retrieving a list of the AssignmentIds. We begin by getting a list of the AssignmentIds using a variation of the query we used in Step 3 to retrieve results.

$ aws mturk list-assignments-for-hit \ --hit-id 3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5 \ --query 'Assignments[*].AssignmentId'

This returns a list of the AssignmentIds for our HIT as shown below.


Now we can use the approve-assignment operation to approve each of the assignments.

$ aws mturk approve-assignment --assignment-id 3IOEN3P9S7I9CGLBJQ50ANAQJXB16B $ aws mturk approve-assignment –-assignment-id 32AT8R96GL8U8BA6SRINMUBFCJ5USP $ aws mturk approve-assignment –-assignment-id 3FTOP5WARFNLTMF07QVP5MWL0BPJ0W $ aws mturk approve-assignment –-assignment-id 3DI28L7YXADDPVEQP8OYMB230VZE19 $ aws mturk approve-assignment –-assignment-id 3LO69W1SU3COZGELODW56TWTBHJLG3
SDK for Python (Boto3)

To approve the assignments, retrieve the list of assignments using the HITId and iterating through the results to call the approve_assignment operation.

import boto3   mturk = boto3.client('mturk')   response = mturk.list_assignments_for_hit(HITId='3TL87MO8CLOFYXKXNRLMZO1MOK4FL5') for assignment in response['Assignments']:     mturk.approve_assignment(AssignmentId=assignment['AssignmentId'])