Use the PKCS7 signature to verify the instance identity document - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Use the PKCS7 signature to verify the instance identity document

This topic explains how to verify the instance identity document using the PKCS7 signature and the AWS DSA public certificate.

To verify the instance identity document using the PKCS7 signature and the AWS DSA public certificate
  1. Connect to the instance.

  2. Retrieve the PKCS7 signature from the instance metadata and add it to a new file named pkcs7 along with the required header and footer. Use one of the following commands depending on the IMDS version used by the instance.

    $ echo "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----" >> pkcs7 \ && TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"` \ && curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" >> pkcs7 \ && echo "" >> pkcs7 \ && echo "-----END PKCS7-----" >> pkcs7
    $ echo "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----" >> pkcs7 \ && curl -s >> pkcs7 \ && echo "" >> pkcs7 \ && echo "-----END PKCS7-----" >> pkcs7
  3. Find the DSA public certificate for your Region in AWS public certificates and add the contents to a new file named certificate.

  4. Use the OpenSSL smime command to verify the signature. Include the -verify option to indicate that the signature needs to be verified, and the -noverify option to indicate that the certificate does not need to be verified.

    $ openssl smime -verify -in pkcs7 -inform PEM -certfile certificate -noverify | tee document

    If the signature is valid, the Verification successful message appears.

    The command also writes the contents of the instance identity document to a new file named document. You can compare the contents of the of the instance identity document from the instance metadata with the contents of this file using the following commands.

    $ openssl dgst -sha256 < document
    $ curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" | openssl dgst -sha256

    If the signature cannot be verified, contact AWS Support.